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Gächter, Katharina

Arbitration and intra-EU member state judicial enforcement in view of the CJEU Prestige judgment


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Two decades ago, in November 2002, the sinking oil tanker Prestige caused significant environmental damage to the Spanish and French shores. On 20 June 2022, the Court of Justice of the European Union (‘CJEU’) constituted as Grand Chamber has rendered a judgment in the proceedings between London Stream-Ship Owners’ Mutual Association Ltd (‘the London P&I Club’) and the Kingdom of Spain, stirring up debate within the European arbitration community. Arbitration is generally excluded from the scope of many European instruments for international judicial cooperation. Hence an array of questions arise at the intersection of national courts and arbitration. The Prestige case can serve as a framework within which the different legal issues are developed further.

  • Gächter, Katharina
  • lis pendens
  • irreconcilability
  • Art V New York Convention 1958
  • CJEU
  • EALR 2023, 31
  • enforcement of arbitral awards
  • Brussels-1a Regulation
  • Brussels-1 Regulation
  • res iudicata
  • Section 66 Arbitration Act (UK)
  • Kartellrecht, Kartell- und Wettbewerbsrecht, Unternehmensrecht, Wirtschaftsrecht, Zivilrecht
  • Art 34 Brussels-1 and Brussels-1a Regulation

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