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Huber, Julia

Constitutional Crossroads: Examining the possibility of a fundamental right to climate protection in Austria


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The desire for more climate protection is growing, as are the considerations for legal implementation (especially against legislative inaction). In Austria, the most prominent call for increased climate protection was probably the Climate Referendum of 2020 and its demand for a fundamental right to climate protection. This article examines the possibilities and challenges arising from the implementation of such a right.

  • Huber, Julia
  • Austrian Federal Constitution
  • European Charter of Fundamental Rights
  • climate protection
  • green justice
  • Federal Constitutional Law on the Rights of Children
  • Fundamental rights
  • EALR 2024, 71
  • Climate Referendum
  • Federal Constitutional Law on Sustainability
  • legislative inaction
  • Kartellrecht, Kartell- und Wettbewerbsrecht, Unternehmensrecht, Wirtschaftsrecht, Zivilrecht
  • European Convention on Human Rights

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