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Obiagwu, William

How the GDPR protects personal data in the digital age


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Recent data scandals like Cambridge Analytica have heightened the need for good data protection frameworks. To address this need, the European Union adopted the General Data Protection (in short GDPR) with the aim to protect the personal data, fundamental rights and freedoms of European citizens. This article explores the ways in which the GDPR has improved the standard of data protection and ensures that data privacy issues are adequately addressed these days. Moreover, it will assess the principle of the GDPR and examine the rights of data subjects.

  • Obiagwu, William
  • GDPR’s principle
  • Art 21 GDPR
  • data scandals
  • Art 7 Charter of Fundamental Rights
  • Art 5 GDPR
  • Art 15 GDPR
  • EALR 2022, 25
  • European Union
  • Art 4 GDPR
  • data privacy issues
  • Art 20 GDPR
  • Data protection
  • data protection law
  • Kartellrecht, Kartell- und Wettbewerbsrecht, Unternehmensrecht, Wirtschaftsrecht, Zivilrecht
  • Art 12 GDPR
  • Art 99 GDPR
  • rights of data subjects
  • Art 8 European Convention on Human Rights
  • privacy law
  • Art 18 GDPR
  • Art 83 GDPR
  • General data protection regulation

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