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Högelsberger, Nora

Legacy of responsibility: Navigating Intergenerational Justice in the Climate Crisis


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Intergenerational justice highlights the interconnectedness between present, past, and future generations, defining the responsibilities and entitlements that may arise. In the face of the climate crisis, this framework implies that future generations could rightfully demand accountability from present ones, emphasising the need for effective enforcement mechanisms. This essay seeks to examine the existing framework and rights of future generations, focusing on their enforceability.

  • Högelsberger, Nora
  • Kartellrecht, Kartell- und Wettbewerbsrecht, Unternehmensrecht, Wirtschaftsrecht, Zivilrecht
  • Climate Change Litigation
  • Intergenerational Equity
  • Intergenerational Justice
  • EALR 2024, 61

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