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Kronberger, Michelle

The Economic Impact of Sustainability Reporting on Company Performance


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The concept of “sustainability” has shaped social and legal discourse for years. Companies are increasingly influenced by this important subject. Through the implementation of EU directives such as the recent Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive, companies are obliged to report on ESG-related information. But what impact does sustainability reporting have on these corporates? The following article seeks to elucidate the economic impact of sustainability reporting in relation to companies’ performance.

  • Kronberger, Michelle
  • European Sustainability Reporting Standards
  • Company and Sustainability Reporting
  • Financial Impact
  • Sustainability Reporting
  • ESG-Reporting
  • Kartellrecht, Kartell- und Wettbewerbsrecht, Unternehmensrecht, Wirtschaftsrecht, Zivilrecht
  • Non-Financial Reporting Directive
  • EALR 2024, 106
  • Economic Impact of Sustainability Reporting
  • Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive

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