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Puleo, Sofia Rosa

War and Environment: What role does international humanitarian law play in the context of environmental protection?


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In June 2023, in Russia-occupied Kherson, Ukraine, the Nova Kakhovka Dam suffered a massive breach. The result: catastrophic flooding and environmental contamination highlighting the pressing issue of environmental damage during armed conflict. As we consider the concept of ‘green justice’ as a fundamental objective, it becomes imperative to closely examine the evolving legal framework of international humanitarian law with reference to relevant historical events, such as this recent incident in Ukraine.

  • Puleo, Sofia Rosa
  • international humanitarian law
  • Principles 24-25 Rio Declaration
  • environmental protection
  • customary international (humanitarian) law
  • Arts I-III ENMOD Convention
  • war and armed conflict
  • international environmental law
  • Art 8 para 2 (b) (iv) ICC Statute
  • Arts 3–7 ILC Draft Articles on the Effect of Armed Conflict on Treaties
  • ILC 2022 Draft Principles
  • Russian invasion of Ukraine
  • Rule 1, 7–8 ICRC Guidelines
  • Kartellrecht, Kartell- und Wettbewerbsrecht, Unternehmensrecht, Wirtschaftsrecht, Zivilrecht
  • Arts 55–56 Geneva Convention
  • Nova Kakhovka Dam incident
  • EALR 2024, 135
  • Arts 35, 54–56, 85 para 3 (c) Additional Protocol I

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